included is a design studio that places people—our team and clients—at the heart of everything we do. Founded on relationships between students, teachers and friends, included has since evolved into a collaborative environment where those relationships have grown into partnerships and employment. We believe that strong collaborations stem from happy, empowered individuals.

Rene Payne, Founder

Talks & Lectures

Arts Across America
Harvard Medical School's Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion

Advisory Boards

Harvard University Reflection
in Action Building Healthy Communities

Portrait by Adam Mastoon

RISD Founders Day Moderator
Go Red | American Heart Association

RISD Community Engagement Advisory Board

The Mullen Connect Panel Discussion for Black Creatives in Boston

Rob Forbes’ Studio 50/50
The Banneker Foundation

Rene Payne is the founder and creative director of included. She uses her design strategy and experience to break down outdated social and cultural barriers. She has received numerous design awards, including a Lifetime Achievement Award, and was inducted into the DesignxRI Hall of Fame in 2012 as the first African American designer to receive this honor.

Rene has served as a diversity fellow at RISD, supporting social equity initiatives like the RISD SEI plan, the MLK Series, and the RISDiversity poster series. She currently teaches and advises in the Graphic Design department, supporting the next generation of creative talent.


Jada Akoto

José Cintron

Iraci Debrito

Nailah Golden

Stephanie Hu

Tamia Jackson

Alejandro Molestino

Claudia Morris

Think Box 312

Jamesly Saint-Louis

Dinh Traung